Products > Circle H Manufacturing LLC
CO2 Plant Exchangers
Heat Exchangers for CO2 Plant, constructed of Carbon and Stainless Steel with Removable and Fixed U tube Bundles
Tube Bundle
Circle H Manufacturing Tube Bundle for Tubeside of Heat Exchanger, shows Tubesheet, Tubes, and Baffles
Flooded Chiller
Shipping a Flooded Ammonia Chiller from Circle H Manufacturing
Landfill Gas Reclamation Exchangers
Connected Heat Exchangers with Stainless Steel Tubeside shown in a GEA Refrigeration Landfill Gas Recovery Package
Tube Bundle
Tube Bundle During Assembly with Vertical Cut Baffles
Multiple Pass Water Cooled Oil Cooler
Multipass Heat Exchanger, Water Cooled Oil Cooler with Custom Finishing and Tubeside Connections Built by Circle H Manufacturing
TEMA R Tubesheet
2-Pass Heat Exchanger Tubesheet, Designed and Built to TEMA R Specifications with Confined Gaskets, Seal Welded and Expanded Tubes
Custom Water Cooled Oil Cooler
Multipass Water Cooled Oil Coolers with Stainless Steel Tubes and Tubesheets
Thermosiphon Oil Coolers
8-Pass Direct Expansion (DX) Precooler Heat Exchanger, Thermosiphon Oil Coolers for GEA Refrigeration
Copper Finned Tubes
Copper Finned Tube Bundle
At Work
Steel Fabrication at Circle H Manufacturing